Thursday, October 16, 2008

One of life's coolest experiences

I had one of the best lunch hours of my life today.  A friend & co-worker invited me along for her ultrasound today!  She's almost 35 weeks pregnant so baby's fully developed and just workin' on readying those little lungs and growing now so it was really cool!  No doubt at all that she's a she- you could definitely tell what those parts were!  And because she's getting herself ready for life on the outside, the tech pointed out the chest movements while she "practices" breathing.  How freakin' cool is that? Getting to see the chambers in her heart work while listening to it beat- I know I'm probably not typing anything most of you haven't already seen with your own pregnancies but for me, this was truly an awesome experience I've never had before and I feel quite honored for the opportunity to see life in it's absolute most innocent state.  Can't wait to meet her on the outside now! 


Anonymous said...

Hey Suzy! It's Kimberly from the QH group. Just read your blog for the first is good!
What a truely good friend you have and what a gift she gave you! You must be a very special person in her life.

Anonymous said...

My pregnancies were BU.
Before ultrasound.

I did have an ultrasound with the second, but it was 12 hours before labor set in, when they suspected twins. Yes, it was.

Lucky you too be able to experience one!